Worship Ministries

At Saint Anne’s we offer opportunities for spiritual growth all year round. Whether it is joining in Sunday school, attending a talk, or joining a small group or Bible study, there are plenty of chances to enter into theological reflection with others in our community. We affirm the creeds and ancient councils of the church, and we are proud that there is great diversity in what our members believe. We value our God-given gift of reason, we allow for doubt and uncertainty, and we appreciate that at times we struggle with Tradition and Scripture. We know that the Holy Spirit moves among us during times of doubt and struggle, and we treat each other with respect when our opinions differ.


altar guild

The Altar Guild of Saint Anne’s is composed of four teams with five or six members on each team. The team members share a common interest in and devotion to the setting and cleaning of the altar and sacristy of the church according to the tradition concerning the preparation of the elements of the service.

Backpacks on altar for blessing

flower guild

The Flower Guild is responsible for purchasing and arranging flowers for the Altar for services and other events. Members of the parish may donate flowers in memory of, or in thanksgiving for, a family member or friend. Donors can sign-up for specific Sundays by contacting Jan Stewart or calling the church. After Sunday services, the flowers are delivered (by a separate group of people) to the sick, shut-ins, new parents or those who have had a death in the family.

lay reader

Ushers and Greeters



Vergers are responsible for overseeing all of the practical aspects of our liturgy. Saint Anne’s vergers are dedicated to making each service run smoothly and efficiently, while preserving an atmosphere of quiet reverence.

Walking into a church service can be a bit daunting. Ushers and Greeters bring grace to that moment. They extend welcome, provide the order of service to help navigate our worship time, they direct and escort to available seats. Ushers collect the offering and assist during communion. They work in teams, volunteering to serve approximately once a month, at one of the morning services.

Verger leading procession


Acolytes at Saint Anne’s are young people who assist in leading worship. Most join a team when they are in the 5th or 6th grade. Under the leadership of the clergy acolytes carry crosses, torches, and banners in processions and in the setting of the table for Holy Communion, and at baptisms and feast days. Serving in the liturgy allows acolytes to be leaders in our worship of God.

euchartistic ministers

Eucharistic ministers assist the clergy on Sundays and Feast days by administering a chalice during Holy Communion. Training is offered once a year.

flowers and pascal candle

lay readers

Eucharistic ministers assist the clergy on Sundays and Feast days by administering a chalice during Holy Communion. Training is offered once a year.