The Rev. Edith Woodling

Edith Woodling was ordained as a deacon 28 years ago in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, with the Right Reverend Frank Kellogg Allan presiding. She has served five parishes during this period, including as Head of School at Christ Church Episcopal School and chaplain to Saint Martin’s Episcopal School. Edith has worked with several outreach ministries across the diocese during the past 40 years, including the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Emmaus House, Trinity Transition House, Habitat for Humanity, Perry Homes Community, and Path to Shine. Edith is currently serving at Saint Anne’s as a seminarian, as she completes a master of divinity degree at Candler School of Theology. Edith has three grown sons and a stepdaughter, three amazing young grandchildren and seven wonderful,older grandchildren. Edith is also a spiritual director and a yoga instructor. Saint Francis is her patron saint. Her Rule of Life is from Micah 6:8: Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.